Publications and Videos

Last updated on August 12th, 2020 at 01:01 pm

Advisory Circulars incorporate the institutes’ formal recommendation on field and factory operations which may be used as practical guides by tea growers. Each circular has a serial number indicating the chronological order of publication, and a file number and colour code indicating the position in which each Circular in filed. When a circular is updated it is replaced by a new Circular bearing a new serial number with identical file number and colour code.

These circulars are in simple and easy to understand language, and are sent to plantations free of charge and available in digital format too. In addition to English, they are available in Sinhala and Tamil.

A scientific journal published in English on a regular basis, the first volume being published in 1928. The journal carries research articles on the findings of the Institute’s scientists. Copies are sent to all on the mailing and dispatch list, as well as to some international scientific institutions. The journal was earlier named “The Tea Quarterly” and then it has been renamed as “Sri Lanka Journal of Tea Science” from 1984.

A journal introduced in 1981 for the benefit of tea growers, presented to non-science background who are engaged in the field activities of the industry. This includes more popular topics of practical aspects on tea cultivation and processing, and on general agriculture practices. The articles are written in non-technical language and have contributions from planters as well.

A newsletter published half-yearly in English since 1996, and carrying articles on technical subjects. The language is simple and easy to understand, and copies are sent to all plantations free of charge.

A newsletter published bi-annually in Sinhala, and meant for distribution among smallholders, among whom it has become popular. It contains valuable technical information which would be useful in the smallholder’s everyday activities.

Click here to Download Latest Release - Tae Thathu Vol. 16 No. 1 & 2

Tae Thathu Vol 16 No 1 & 2

A series of monographs, published by the Institute, gives detailed information on pest and diseases, tea manufacture and other important subjects, in a comprehensive manner.

Handbook on Tea

A popular compendium in English, covering all aspects of tea cultivation and processing. It contains detailed information on the practical aspects of tea, as well as necessary background theoretical knowledge which would be useful for a wide range of readers including planters, growers and agricultural students. The first print of the Handbook on tea was published in 1986. The first edition was in 2008 and three reprints have been carried out as at to-date.

Field Guide Book

Another popular compendium, initially in English but currently being updated and also being translated into Sinhala and Tamil. It contains all possible practical hints on tea cultivation and processing. The book is a valuable guide to those involved in field work on tea lands.

Cost of Tea Cultivation

The first edition of this is now available to purchase.

Download content pages. Click here ...

Cost of Tea Cultivation 1st Edition

The Annual cum Technical Reports of the institute currently available in all three languages detail both on-going works, and work completed in the year under review, in the field of research and extension. These reports provide all updated information of the experiments and trials in all the field and laboratory investigations. In addition, it provides descriptions of the on-going activities in each division, including human resource information of the institute and financial statements.

Click relevant image to Download the report

Year English Sinhala Tamil

A series of illustrated advisory leaflets or pamphlets are published in Sinhala, in addition to Tamil and English, for distribution free of charge for the benefit of smallholders as well as for educational purposes. These cover all aspects of tea cultivation, and include information on tea which would be necessary for students and available in simple language.

The institute has produced number of video programs on several aspects of tea cultivation and processing, and they are used frequently for the edification of all levels of workers and personnels in the tea sector.

Series of audiovisual materials available for stakeholders are

  • DVD on Plucking and pruning
  • DVD on Soil Conservation

The institute has produced some software for stakeholders and they are

  • Software on “Tea Fert” (for blanket fertilizer estimation)
  • Software on "Site Specific Fert Master" (for site specific fertilizer estimation)
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Total Visit : 22125
Last Updated on : August 12th, 2020
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