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August 3, 2018
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle

The meeting was held on 03rd August 2018 at the TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle.


“ Minimise Economic Losses through Refining Agricultural Practices ”


Keynote Address by Dr. I Sarath B Abeysinghe,The Director, TRISL (646KB)

Paper I - Dr. G P Gunaratne, Head, Soils & Plant Nutritions Division, TRISL (1.6MB)

Paper II - Mr. S R W Pathiranage, Research Officer, Agronomy Division, Low country Regional Centre, TRISL (1.7MB)

Paper III - Dr. N P S N Bandara, Senior Research Officer, Agronomy Division, Low country Regional Centre, TRISL (1.89MB)

Agenda (425KB)
Abstracts (240KB)

Proceedings: Download (1.16 MB)

February 2, 2019
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle

The meeting was held on 02nd February 2019 at the TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle.


“ Automation in Tea Processing Operations for better Energy Efficiency and Product Quality ”


Keynote Address by Dr. I Sarath B Abeysinghe,The Director, TRISL

Invited Guest Speech - Mr. Chamila Delpitiya , Sector Specialist, NAMA Project, UNDP (741KB)

Paper I - Dr. K Raveendran , Principal Research Officer, Process Technology Division, TRISL (573KB)

Paper II - Mrs. W M S Weerawardena , Experimental Officer, Process Technology Division, TRISL (569KB)

Paper III - Dr. T A S Anuruddha, Senior Research Officer, Process Technology Division, TRISL (MB)

Agenda (441KB)
Abstracts (136KB)

Proceedings (760KB)

July 26, 2019
8:00 am to 6:00 pm
TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle

The meeting was held on 26th July 2019 at the TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle.

“Towards Tea Industry Sustainability through Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation”

Message from Chairman, Tea Research Board - Dr. Mohan Abeyratne (151KB)
Keynote Address 
- Dr. L Saman K Hettiarachchi, Director, TRISL
Invited Guest Speech - Dr. (Mrs.) Erandathie Lokupitiya, University of Colombo (796KB)
Paper I - Dr. (Mrs.) T L Wijeratne, Senior Research Officer, Plant Physiology Division (957KB)
Paper II - Dr. (Mrs.) P G D S Amarasena, Research Officer, Entomology & Nematology Division (901KB)
Paper III - Mr. Thusitha Bandara, Bogawantalawa Tea Estates PLC (1.79MB)

Agenda (423KB)
Abstracts (141KB)

February 7, 2020
8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Mahinda Silva Auditorium, HARTI (Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research & Training Institute), Colombo 7.

The meeting was held on 07th February 2020 at the Mahinda Silva Auditorium, HARTI (Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research & Training Institute), Colombo 7.
"Towards Strengthening Integrated Pest Management Packages with Alternatives"


Address by Chairman, Tea Research Board - Dr. M W Nande Dharmawardene ()
Keynote Address - Dr. L Saman K Hettiarachchi, Director, TRISL ()
Invited Guest Speech - Dr. J A Sumith, Registrar of Pesticides ()
Paper I - Dr. (Mrs.) M S D Luxmei De Silva, Ex. Principal Research Officer, Agronomy Division ()
Paper II - Dr. (Mrs.) Padmini D Senanayake, Head/ Research Officer, Entomology & Nematology Division ()
Paper III - Dr. (Mrs.) Ganga D Sinniah, Head/ Senior Research Officer, Plant Pathology Division ()
Agenda ()
Abstracts ()

Dummy Image
September 9, 2022
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
November 9, 2022
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
දේවගිරි තේ කර්මාන්ත ශාලා පරිශ්‍රය, කොට්ටව, ගාල්ල
December 16, 2022
9:30 am to 1:00 pm
TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle

The meeting was held on 16th December 2022 at the TRI Auditorium, Talawakelle.

“Restoration of Soil Fertility towards Arresting Yield Decline”

Address by Chairman, Tea Research Board - Mr. C S Lokuhetti
Key Note Address
- Dr. L S K Hettiarachchi, Director, TRISL
Paper I - Dr. V Sidhakaran, Head Advisory & Extension Division, TRISL
Paper II - Dr. (Mrs.) L A S P Jayasinghe, Research Officer, Agronomy Division, TRISL
Paper III - Mr. L R M C Liyanage, Soils & Plant Nutrition Division, TRISL

Agenda (435KB)
Abstracts (213KB)

January 20, 2023
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Department of Agriculture, PO Box:18, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

The meeting was held on 20th January 2023 at the In-service Training Institute, Department of Agriculture, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya.

"Optimizing the Productivity and Profitability of Mid-country Tea"

Key Note Address  - Dr. Keerthi M Mohotti, Director (Acting), TRISL
Presentation 1 : Efficient use of Fertilizer in Tea - Dr. Mahesh Liyanage, Head (Acting), Soils and Plant Nutrition Division TRISL
Presentation 2 : Economical Importance of Infilling and Replanting in Tea Plantations - Dr. H W Shyamalie, Head, Agriculture Economics Division TRISL
Presentation 3 : Mechanical Harvesting and Pruning of Tea - Dr. Sampath Pathiranage, Senior Research Officer, Agronomy Division TRISL

June 29, 2023
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
St. Coombs, Talawakelle, 22100

TRI Open Day is organizing with the objective of promoting TRI developed innovative tea technologies for higher productivity, quality and sustainability of the tea industry.

Events organized;

  1. Field demonstrations on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)
  2. Mechanization of field operations
  3. Demonstrations on soil, root & leaf sampling methods
  4. Energy saving technologies for tea processing
  5. Artisanal tea/ value addition
  6. Laboratory visits
  7. Problem diagnosis in consultation with experts
  8. Educational & awareness programs
  9.  Sales of publications & tea
  10. Stalls for input suppliers & service providers and many more...
June 30, 2023
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
St. Coombs, Talawakelle, 22100

TRI Open Day is organizing with the objective of promoting TRI developed innovative tea technologies for higher productivity, quality and sustainability of the tea industry.

Events organized;

  1. Field demonstrations on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)
  2. Mechanization of field operations
  3. Demonstrations on soil, root & leaf sampling methods
  4. Energy saving technologies for tea processing
  5. Artisanal tea/ value addition
  6. Laboratory visits
  7. Problem diagnosis in consultation with experts
  8. Educational & awareness programs
  9.  Sales of publications & tea
  10. Stalls for input suppliers & service providers and many more...
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Total Visit : 22125
Last Updated on : August 4th, 2020
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